Milyonlarca crc hatası

Hocam bilgileriniz yanlış.
Vr2100 mediatek chipsetli
Vr600 v3 mediatek chipsetli v2 ve v1 sanırım broadcom

VR2800 için broadcom demiş sanırım. Sorun modemlerde değil aslında sorun dandik bakır altyapıda.

1 Beğeni

If you can afford it , get the VR2800 , it has better , faster wifi , more ram and uses a Broadcom chipset than the VR2100…

The VR2100 uses a MediaTek chipset and is not really the best for long lines , but could be different in the UK , but since you are in a rural area with a long line and possible dodgy lines you are better off getting a modem with a Broadcom chipset as they are more
forgiving and stable on long or noisy lines.

The VR2100 is built to a price and with the cheaper MediaTek chipset and , I think it can run a bit hot , however , going by some reports on WP , the VR2100 is fairly stable , but that can depend on the distance to the node , if you are less than 1 km from the closest node , then the VR2100 should be fine.

The VR900 is also fairly good , uses a Broadcom chipset as well , however ver 1 and ver 2 of this model uses the older TP-Link firmware , so it would be best to get the ver 3 if available in your area as it has the newer TP-Link firmware.

The main difference between the VR600 and VR900 is mostly the speed / rating on the wifi , the VR600 has AC1600 wifi , the VR900 has AC1900 wifi , so if you have been happy with the VR600 , then the VR900 will be the same with the slightly faster wifi , and the VR2800 will feel a lot more quicker because of the faster AC2800 MU-MIMO wifi and better hardware specs.

As for the type of connection you have , FTTN is VDSL and you connect to it by plugging a vdsl modem into a standard telephone socket.

With FTTC connection , a Network Termination Device ( NTD ) is a reverse powered modem that plugs into a standard telephone socket and then the user plugs a router into the NTD .

1 Beğeni

Merhaba @hommate01, öncelikle yaşamış olduğunuz sorun nedeniyle üzgün olduğumuzu bilmenizi isterim. Ancak hatlarda yaşanılan CRC ve FEC hatalarının sebebi lokasyonda yaşanılan kablo arızaları, iç tesisat ve donanımsal sorunlar nedeniyle yaşanıyor :frowning:

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1 Beğeni

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1 Beğeni

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