Amazon Prime Gaming, nisan ayında toplam değeri neredeyse 3.000 TL olan 12 oyunu ücretsiz verecek.🫡

Chivalry 2
:black_small_square: Faraway 2: Jungle Escape
:black_small_square: Black Desert
:black_small_square: Drawn: Trail of Shadows
:black_small_square: Faraway 3: Arctic Escape
:black_small_square: Fallout 76
:black_small_square: Demon’s Tilt
:black_small_square: Rose Riddle: The Fairy Tale Detective Collector’s Edition
:black_small_square: Dexter Stardust: Adventures in Outer Space
:black_small_square: Living Legends: Fallen Sky
:black_small_square: Vlad Circus: Descend Into Madness
:black_small_square: Tiny Robots Recharged